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Showing posts from March, 2019

The Dirty Trick of Embarrassing your Spouse During a Texas Divorce

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in The Dirty Trick of Embarrassing your Spouse During a Texas Divorce Divorce Lawyers in Houston : Today’s blog topic is inspired by some cases and consults I have had where a spouse has gone out of their way to try and embarrass their spouse. This is done for a variety of reasons: > Anger > To teach their ex a lesson > To try and achieve a strategic advantage In order to prepare our readers for what they might expect during the Texas divorce process, we will explore the various ways some spouses have tried to embarrass their soon-to-be ex. We will also discuss some things you should consider before you go down the path. Serving Your Spouse in an Embarrassing Place Family Lawyer Houston : Serving divorce papers at work is perhaps the most commonly employed way that some spouses embarrass their ex. This one may be done either intentionally or out of necess...

The Dirty Trick of Filing for Divorce in Another City

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in The Dirty Trick of Filing for Divorce in Another City Houston Family Lawyer : Many of my potential clients are concerned with filing first in their Texas divorce case. Many of them have the impression that if they are not the first to file, they will be at a disadvantage in their case. In many cases this is generally not the case when both spouses are represented by divorce lawyers. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. One of those is when the spouses are in different cities. In such a case filing first can provide a real strategic advantage. In today’s blog topic, we will focus will be on how choosing the battle ground of where to file for divorce can impact Texas divorce proceedings when spouses live in different counties. Choosing Which County to File In In most divorce cases, there is not an option on where to file a divorce. This is because Texas F...

The Dirty Trick of Moving Out of State with the Kids

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in The Dirty Trick of Moving Out of State with the Kids Divorce Lawyer in Houston : I have seen spouses use the trick of moving out of the state with the children very effectively to the detriment of the other spouse during a Texas divorce. However, in some cases, this move can backfire and a judge will grant custody of the children to the other spouse because of what the court believes to be wrongful conduct. We will now touch on a topic of parents moving out of state with their children and how this can impact Texas divorce proceedings. Is it Illegal for a Parent to Move out of State without the Permission of the Other Parent? If it happens before there is an order of the court in place regarding custody, then no. Both parents have equal rights to possession and access of the child. Either parent can make decisions regarding the child without consulting with or noti...

My Wife is Taking Half My Paycheck in Child Support. What can I do?

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in My Wife is Taking Half My Paycheck in Child Support. What can I do? The Woodlands Divorce Attorney : It is not unusual for parents I meet with for consults to have questions regarding child support. Often, the parent paying thinks he is paying too much and the parent receiving feels they are not getting enough. Recently, I had a consult with a potential client who had several concerns regarding the child support he was paying. He had such a multitude of issues that I felt his case would be helpful to others as both a warning and an education of the family law process. The issues were as follows: > I was never served; how can they take child support out of my paycheck? > Are they allowed to take half my paycheck? > Can I get a new trial? > Can I lower my child support amount? > My wife had an affair; do I have to pay child support on a child that is...

Husband Not the Father, what do I do in a Texas Divorce?

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Husband Not the Father, what do I do in a Texas Divorce? Family Lawyers in Houston : This year I have had several consults in which the wives I have met with have brought up how their husbands are not the father of one of their children. In many of these consults, the women were surprised to learn that this would somehow complicate their divorce. Many aspects of a Texas divorce regarding children are like those of a Texas suit affecting parent-child relationships that unmarried couple goes through when they need court orders regarding children. However, there are differences which we will explore in today’s blog topic. The Presumption of Paternity Family Law Attorneys Houston : A good starting point for understanding how an extramarital child can complicate a divorce in Texas Family Code Section 160.204 which states that: > A man is presumed to be the father of ...

The Dirty Trick of Using Delaying Tactics During Your Texas Divorce

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in The Dirty Trick of Using Delaying Tactics During Your Texas Divorce Two of the most frequently asked questions I get during my Houston divorce consults are: > “How much is my divorce going to cost?” and > “How long is my divorce going to take?” It is understandable that anyone about to undergo a divorce would like know the answers to these questions. We all would like some certainty in our lives. Unfortunately, in the Texas divorce process there is a lot of uncertainty. In today's blog, we will discuss the dirty trick of delaying the divorce, reasons why it is sometimes used, and methods of combating this dirty divorce trick. What are Some Reasons a Spouse May Want to Delay the Divorce? Divorce Attorney in Houston : Some of the reasons I have observed for why spouses want to delay a divorce include: > To punish their ex > Having a scorched-earth...

The Dirty Trick of Engaging in Spousal Starving During a Texas Divorce

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in The Dirty Trick of Engaging in Spousal Starving During a Texas Divorc e Family Attorney Houston : One of the most frequent questions I get asked is “can I get my spouse to pay for the divorce.” We have even written an article on that topic that I will include a link to at the bottom of this post. In that article, we discussed that depending on the facts it may be possible to get your spouse to pay for your legal fees. However, generally it will cost you money up front to get to that point in the case. On top of that, the hearing where a judge may make orders regarding temporary spousal support could be 30-60 days away from the time the divorce is filed. In order to aid our readers regarding the above problem, we have written a couple articles: > that provide ideas and suggestions on how to pay for a Texas divorce and > tips on preparing for the divorce I menti...

The Dirty Trick of Quitting Your Job to Avoid Child Support During a Texas Divorce

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in The Dirty Trick of Quitting Your Job to Avoid Child Support During a Texas Divorce Divorce Lawyers in Houston : Unfortunately, some spouses do not feel an obligation to support their children after a divorce. I have heard all kinds of excuses from “I shouldn’t have to pay because I have a car note” to “I already behind on my child support on another child.” These deadbeat parents often come up with creative plans on avoiding child support. I sometimes hear if you try and get child support then “I am going to go for full custody” or “I am going to fight for 50/50 time so I don’t have to pay child support.” All of the above are flawed ideas on how Texas family law works that I have addressed in other articles. In today’s blog article I am going to discuss a strategy that sometimes employed. Quitting a job or changing your job to reduce child support obligations. This can...