If you want to related guideline confidentiality Divorce Law experience, So you can better suggestions- Common Law Marriage and Texas Divorce Guide . Divorce Lawyers in Houston – In Texas, many people are aware that Texas recognizes common-law marriage. However, not everyone that I meet with is aware of what it takes to meet the Texas statutory requirements of being common law married or why it is important. Recently I was meeting with a man who was bewildered that he had been sued for divorce. When I asked him about his case he plopped down an original petition for divorce and said, “I want to know how I am married?” “Am I married?” Seems like a simple question, right? Sometimes however it is not. I asked him “You, never had a ceremonial marriage?” He said “No.” I then started asking him the following questions: Q: “Have, you ever lived together?” Answer: “Yes.” Q: “Have, you ever introduced each other as being husband and wife?” Answer: “yes, out of convenience.” Q...
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