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Showing posts from May, 2018

How to get above guideline child support

If you want to related guideline child support law experience, so you can better suggestions about Family Lawyers Houston in Texas. Houston Family Law Attorneys – In Texas, child support is most always owed by the parent who does not have primary custody of the child. How child support is owed is set by a statutorily based percentage to the owing party’s net income (gross income minus social security taxes and federal income tax withholding). The Attorney General has a chart on their website which breaks down the numbers for those that are interested. This chart, however, caps net income is less than $8,550. It’s safe to say that most Texans earn less than this amount per month- which can present difficulties for families due to the cost of raising children. Setting aside the necessities like food, clothing, shelter and medical care- additional costs regarding extracurricular activities, athletics and recreational pursuits add to what is already a budget stretching situation fo...

How does summer visitation work?

If you want to related father has a right in summer visitation Law experience, so you can better suggestions about Houston Family Attorney in Texas. When two people get divorced, frequently their visitation schedule with their child is based off of a Standard Possession Order (SPO). Houston Divorce Attorneys – For parents who live within 100 miles of one another, the first item that changes is Thursday visitations stop. For non custodial parents (the parent whom the child does not live primarily with) this can mean not being able to see the child every week. The details of weekend visitation can also be altered depending on your Order. For instance, during the school year your Order may require a parent to pick up the child from school on Friday and drop them off at school on Monday. During the summer months the Order may change the requirement to a pick up at 6:00 p.m. on Friday and a drop off at 6:00 p.m. This can be a tough change to accept because a parent can lose a meal th...

What rights does a father have in Texas?

If you want to related father has a right in Texas Law experience, so you can better suggestions about Family Lawyer Houston Texas. Family Attorney Houston – A common question asked by Fathers who come to our office for a consultation is a variation on, “I have a friend/cousin/co-worker who told me that fathers can’t get a fair outcome from a judge in a Texas divorce when it comes to their children. Is this true?” Fathers are afforded both rights and duties under the Texas Family Code. In Texas, a man can be a father to a child if he is: -presumed to be the father -legally determined to be the father -adjudicated by a court to the the father -has acknowledged paternity -is an adoptive father The most straightforward way for a man to be presumed to be a child’s father is if he is married to the mother of the child and the child is born during the marriage. A father may also file a petition with a court that has jurisdiction over him and his presumed child in order for a...

Joint Managing Conservators in a Child Custody Case in Texas?

If you want to related Child Custody Law experience, so you can better suggestions about us Houston Family Lawyers in Texas. Houston Divorce – In a divorce or child custody action in Texas, it is presumed that both parents will be named Joint Managing Conservators of their children. Being named Joint Managing Conservators means that both parents will share the rights and responsibilities of parenthood. These rights and responsibilities include: 1. Providing for the child’s physical needs 2. Making decisions and being involved in the child’s education, medical care, and religious upbringing 3. Teaching the child about his ethnic and cultural background, including morals and values 4. Providing disciple and guidance for the child Being named Joint Managing Conservators does not mean that the child will spend equal time with both parents. Often, one parent is named the Primary Managing Conservator. He or she will live with the child most of the time, and will get to establis...