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Valentine's Day, Divorce and the relationship between the two

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Valentine's Day, Divorce and the relationship between the two

Houston Family Law Lawyer: There is no more romantic day of the year than Valentine’s Day. Whether we like it or not February 14th has become synonymous with love, affection, greeting cards and chocolates. If you are married, there is a certain amount of pressure that comes along with Valentine’s Day as well.

You have to buy a gift (or at least flowers) and do your best to turn up the romance with your spouse that day. If you thought that the pressure would be off once you tied the knot then you would be wrong at least in this regard.

All in all, Valentine’s Day has its plusses and its minuses. If you are a newly wed or a newly divorced person your perspective may vary based on whether or not you wear a ring on your finger.

Those feelings of undying and everlasting love that you may have experienced upon your wedding day and in the months immediately thereafter can quickly dissipate and yield a broken heart and an opinion of Valentine’s Day that wasn’t quite a rosy as it was previously (no pun intended).

Divorce and Valentine’s Day

I’m not trying to make you laugh when I write that family lawattorneys become even busier around Valentine’s Day with people are interested in filing for divorce from their spouse.

It’s not specifically that the 14th of February will cause you to lose all affection for your spouse, it probably has more to do with the fact that this time of year sees people completely coming out of the Holiday Season/Post Holiday Season coma.

You may have been responsible for cooking meals, hosting relatives and buying/wrapping presents for kids over the course of the six weeks in between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. January came and went quickly as you were attempting to recover from the Holidays. You stand ready and willing to consider making a change in your life now that your head is clearer.

It could be that you were looking at the Holidays as a time for you to grow closer to your spouse or that you were almost sure that you were ready to file for divorce prior to Thanksgiving and the Holidays just solidified that belief after all the turkey, presents and the Christmas Tree were gone and forgotten.

Now that February is here and Spring is around the corner, your inner clock is telling you no better time than now to get the ball rolling on a divorce.

Moving forward with a February Divorce

Family Lawyers in Houston: As we’ve touched on, divorces are frequently filed in February. With that said you do not want to go into a divorce without a plan of attack. While it is commendable for you to have considered long and hard whether to file and now you’ve finally decided to move forward, it is a bad decision to do so without having first though through your goals and then considered how to go about accomplishing those goals.

First and foremost- how will your divorce affect your children? With the holidays over, school now in full swing and Spring Break a still weeks away February is often seen as good a time as any to file for divorce because you are able to have your kids’ full attention to explain and discuss your decision to file for divorce to the extent that you are comfortable.

Obviously you know your family dynamic better than anyone and it may be better for you and your children for you to file during a time of the year that is more busy so as to offer distractions to your children. For many people, getting the divorce started in February offers a time to allow for full discussion of the subject and then a vacation opportunity arises just a few weeks later to “get away from it all” with your children.

Secondly, by February most people have received all of the documents they need to file their taxes and are at least beginning to think about filing their tax return. Financial documents are needed to proceed with and complete a divorce as well so while those documents are out you may as well make a copy, file your Divorce Petition and get moving with your divorce.

One of the most frustrating parts of a divorce case is when you ask a client for tax returns, pay stubs, etc. and it takes him or her weeks or even months to get those in. If you are eager to complete your divorce and reach an amicable conclusion filing in February may be a good idea as the documents you need to prepare for your divorce lawyer are likely to be within arm’s reach.

Lastly, as you have probably realized filing for divorce means that you may no longer be living with your spouse and may even need to consider moving the children with you depending on your particular circumstances. If so, it is difficult to do this during the school year and risk creating an alternative schedule for your children. Stability and consistency is paramount for the children of divorced parents so this would be something to avoid.

Starting a divorce in February may allow you to proceed along the timeline of your divorce and conclude your case when summer begins.

That way if you do need to move with your children they will be able to acclimate themselves to a new schedule and routine when their calendars are more flexible than during a more rigid time like when school is in session.

Questions about divorce? Contact the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC

Family Law Attorneys Houston: If you find yourself with questions regarding divorce or any other subject in family law please do not hesitate to contact the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC. One of our licensed divorce attorneys is available six days a week to meet with you in a free of charge consultation. We represent clients across southeast Texas and would be honored to speak to you about the services that we can provide to you and your family ... Continue Reading


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