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How Much Will My Texas Divorce Cost?

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Divorce Law experience, So you can better suggestions- How Much Will My Texas Divorce Cost?.

Divorce Lawyer in Houston: One of the most popular if not the most popular questions asked in my consults is “how much is my divorce going to cost me?” I have thought about writing a blog article on this topic for a long time because it is a reasonable question. However, I have held off because there is no easy answer.

In truth “nobody knows for certain.” Something I tell my consults is:

1. The more you fight, the more it will Cost
2. You will probably spend as much as your spouse
3. I can give you a fairly accurate guesstimate based on what your telling me. Once we get into the divorce process and see what your ex is doing I will be able to update that estimate.

As with other professionals that you hire such as a mechanic to fix your car or a plumber to fix a leaky faucet you will get an estimate of what the service will cost. However, there are several factors that affect the cost of a divorce and many of them are beyond your control and that of your divorce lawyer. These factors make it impossible for a divorce lawyer to give you more than a guestimate of the total cost of your divorce.

I have seen cases where based on the behavior of the parties it looked like they were going to spend a fortune but they were able to settle the case fairly cheaply. I have also seen cases where the parties had almost nothing and they spent what little they did have and more fighting during the divorce.

On meeting with us, the Law Office of Bryan Fagan will provide you with a quote for retaining us to represent you in your divorce. This is based on the specific circumstances of your case as discussed with your attorney. This article will outline a fee range so that you will have a sense of what your divorce might cost.


Divorce Attorney Houston: There are two ways to get divorced in Texas. Either the parties will reach an agreement or the case will eventually go to trial.

The cost of a divorce in Texas depends on the ability of the parties to reach an agreement. Divorce lawyers, attorneys and staff members bill hourly for the time they spend on your case. I generally like to flow chart a typical divorce cases so people can see where in the process their money gets them.

I typically tell prospective client that many divorce cases follow the following pattern:

1. Mediation on Temporary Orders
2. Temporary Orders
3. Mediation on Final
4. Trial

Each one of those stages may have subparts or require additional hearings in between. At each one of those stages in the divorce process there is a chance to settle the case and not move on to the next stage. If a couple is agreeable and settles early on, then it is a lot cheaper than having to continue down the divorce path.

What I have observed with for each one of the above four stages is that they cost roughly $3,500-$5,500 per stage.

When I was looking for research on the cost of divorce other than my own observations what I found was:

1. $15,000 to $20,000 – according to a July 30, 2013 article, in the Huffington Post
2. $15,000 to $30,000 – according to a 2006 article on
3. $5,000 to $34,000 – according to a nationwide survey conducted by Nolo

These figures would be in line with my own observations of $3,500-$22,000 depending on where the parties ended up in the process.


Houston Divorce Lawyers: There all kinds of jokes about divorce. One joke I like is “why does divorce cost so much?” Answer, “Because it’s worth it.”

In a documentary, I watched on the divorce industry called “Divorce Corp” one of the things mentioned in the documentary was that “you can have as much justice as you can afford.” What I took that to mean is you want spend a lot of money on a divorce you can.

I have worked on multiple divorces when the legal fees on both sides were in the hundreds of thousands.

Some famous examples of expensive divorce from popular culture include:

1. Neil Diamond and Marcia Murphey at an estimated $150 million
2. Steven Spielberg’s and Amy Riving’s Divorce at an estimated $100 million
3. Harrison Ford and Melissa Mathison at an estimated $85 million


Family Law Attorney Houston: As discussed earlier $3,500 to $22,000 is a wide number for a divorce with a lot of variables. This number is not just the cost of your attorney’s legal fees. The ultimate number will likely be a composite of:

1. Attorney Fees
2. The cost of every Expert who is called to analyze your case
3. Filing Fees
4. The Cost of Hiring a Process Server
5. Deposition Costs
6. If Bank Records or other Documents need to be subpoenaed

Any additional expense related to your case will show up itemized in your bill from your attorney.


Houston Divorce Attorney: The cost of your divorce will depend, in part, on the legal counsel you choose to represent your interests in your Texas divorce process. Attorney’s bill not only for their own time, but also for the time spent by other attorneys and their staff members who work on your case.

We also have several attorneys available that we bill out at different hourly rates ranging from $175-$350 and hour. This allows us to pair your case with an attorney that can match your budget.

We also bill out or Paralegals and law clerks at rates ranging from $100-$150 an hour.

It is important to know that in most circumstances that every minute you meet with your attorney or talk on the phone is billable time. This may seem apparent, but it can be hard to remember while you are sitting in your lawyer’s office enjoying a coffee or discussing your case.


Houston Family Lawyer: There are expenses that will need to be paid for in every divorce, and these expenses are charged to you at cost. For example, the initial filing for a divorce is between $300-$400, this cost would be passed on to you at cost.

You can usually expect to pay any filing or service fees that we must pay to the court or process server.

Additionally, you may also incur other fees such as transcript fees, expert witness fees, and mediator’s fees. We generally do not charge for things like photocopies, long distance phone calls, postage, or faxes.

Most divorce lawyers will provide you with an itemized accounting of any expenses, such as the court filing fees, deposition transcripts, and expert witness fees.


Divorce Lawyer Houston: A retainer is a large payment that you will pay your divorce attorney upfront. In many cases, you can think of a retainer as prepaid legal or a down payment fees from which an attorney will take their hourly rate as it is earned.

As the balance of the retainer drops below a certain point, you will be asked to replenish the retainer. If your case is ongoing or proceeding to trial your retainer may have to be replenished multiple times.

Retainers are often in the thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars. The exact cost of the retainer will depend on the complexity of your case and the level of experience your attorney possesses.

It is common to see retainers anywhere from $2,500 to $15,000 for a divorce or family law case in Texas. Complex divorce or child custody cases might require a down payment of $25,000 or more.

You will be quoted a retainer at your initial consultation and that retainer amount will be in your fee agreement. At the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, our retainer fees work like a deposit for the costs of your divorce, and we will simply bill against your retainer.

As such, any portion of your retainer that is not used will be refunded to you. It should be noted, however, that the retainer is generally not enough to cover the full cost of a divorce, and there is a good chance that you will need to replenish the retainer over the duration of your case … Continue Reading


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    My Regards...


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