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Cell Phones, Mail, Computers, Spying on your Spouse, and Privacy Rights in a Spring, Texas Divorce

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Spring Divorce Lawyer – Texas Law says it is illegal to intentionally intercept spoken or electronic communication. There are some exceptions to this law. However, a person contemplating should be very careful not to fall out of that exception and would be advised to consult with their divorce attorney prior to taking any action.

In one case not to law a husband suspected his wife was cheating on him so he installed a spyware program on her computer. When police discovered the software he ended up being charged with the Unlawful Interception of Electronic Communication which is a second degree felony and can carry a 20-year sentence.


Under the Texas penal code, it is a crime to intercept or record any “wire, oral, or electronic communication.” Tex. Penal Code § 16.02, and Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code, Ch. 123 create both criminal and civil causes of action for wiretapping phone conversation.

This means you may not place a recording device in a phone to record your spouse’s conversations unless you want to be criminally prosecuted and sued by your wife.

Texas wiretapping law is known as a “one-party consent” law. This means if one party consents to your recording them then it is ok to record the conversation.

Furthermore, this on party can be you. If you are a party to the conversation and the one doing the recording, then one party has consented.

Spring TX Divorce Lawyer – If you are not a party to the conversation, then one of the people being recorded must give permission in advance.


1. If the conversation being recorded is taking place across state lines, those other states’ laws may require consent from all parties
2. If you set up a recording to take place and you are not a party to the conversation such as leaving a recording device in the room and leaving, you may be in violation of the federal wiretapping statute because one party has not consented.
3. If you record your spouse illegally not only will you face potential criminal charges your illegally gather evidence will likely not be admissible in court.


Yes, this falls under the principal that a child is not old enough to consent to being recorded and parent can consent for them. If a parent consents to the recording of the conversation between the child and the other parent, one party to the conversation being recorded has consented.

Houston Divorce Lawyer – One Texas case has held that “Although vicarious-consent is not listed as an exception to the Texas wiretap law, the court of appeals held that, in order to protect a child, a parent may record her child’s telephone conversations if the recording meets the standards in Pollock. Alameda”, 181 S.W.3d at 778.Alameda v. State, 235 S.W.3d 218, 220 (Tex. Crim. App. 2007)

In Pollock v. Pollock The Court held that “held that a parent may give vicarious-consent to record a child’s telephone conversations if the parent has a good-faith basis for believing that recording is in the best interest of the child.

However, this should only be done after careful consideration. In one divorce case I handled the mother recorded the conversations between her child and the father. In that case both the Judge and Amicus attorney (attorney representing the child) were upset by this fact. The case did not go well for the mother and the father ended up being awarded primary conservator of the child.


No, do not do it. Opening your spouse’s mail is a federal crime. An exception to this rule is “consent.”


Intercepting your spouse’s email for use as evidence for a hearing may be illegal. It is a federal crime to intercept electronic mail while on route or after receipt.

Divorce Lawyer in Houston – An exception to this rule is “consent.” If you share email account passwords with our spouse arguably you have given consent to the other spouse to intercept your emails. In this situation the intercepted passwords may be admissible in court.

However, if you have obtained your spouse’s password improperly it would be illegal to access your spouses email.


Yes, if your spouse is in a public place. A spouse can be photographed or video recorded without consent when they are in a public place.

No, when your spouse believes they are in a state of complete privacy. An example might be when your spouse is home alone in their pajamas.


Yes, text messages are admissible in court if legally obtained. Text messages that your wife sends you are admissible as a party admission.

Divorce Attorney Houston – In order to get text messages admitted in Courts in Harris and Montgomery county your attorney will first have to lay the proper predicate. A predicate is used to set the ground for admitting evidence into court… Continue Reading


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