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Showing posts from November, 2019

Spousal Maintenance in Texas

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Spousal Maintenance in Texas The Woodlands Divorce Attorney : Unless children are involved in a divorce, the number one concern of parties is typically money. Who’s getting more of it and what can be done to limit their spouse from getting any more than they absolutely have to. There are some spouses who are a little more rational and even-handed in terms of their willingness to just split the pie in two and walk away, but from my experience those situations are few and far between. Divorce is not a time for people to be rational thinkers, unfortunately. Thus, having an experienced family law attorney on your side to help you walk through the difficult days of your divorce can be exceedingly important. Your attorney shouldn’t just be an expert on family law in Texas- he or she should be able to offer you candid, reason based advice during a time where your emotions and...

The potential impact of social media on your Texas divorce or child custody case

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in The potential impact of social media on your Texas divorce or child custody case Houston Family Law Lawyers : It used to be that the first thing a person would do to find out what’s going on in the world was to pick up the newspaper from their town and get to reading. All of the previous day’s events were contained in print and left on your doorstep or at the newsstand. I can remember reading through the sports section of the Houston Chronicle every morning at the breakfast table to get all the news that I thought I could ever want. Times have changed even in the past decade with the widespread use of social media. People are always going to want to learn more and have access to more information and social media taps into that desire. Instead of having to wait hours to get an update on a news event or whatever piques your interest, social media allows for almost instan...

Valentine's Day, Divorce and the relationship between the two

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Valentine's Day, Divorce and the relationship between the two Houston Family Law Lawyer : There is no more romantic day of the year than Valentine’s Day. Whether we like it or not February 14th has become synonymous with love, affection, greeting cards and chocolates. If you are married, there is a certain amount of pressure that comes along with Valentine’s Day as well. You have to buy a gift (or at least flowers) and do your best to turn up the romance with your spouse that day. If you thought that the pressure would be off once you tied the knot then you would be wrong at least in this regard. All in all, Valentine’s Day has its plusses and its minuses. If you are a newly wed or a newly divorced person your perspective may vary based on whether or not you wear a ring on your finger. Those feelings of undying and everlasting love that you may have experienced u...

Can you challenge a Mediated Settlement Agreement in Texas?

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Can you challenge a Mediated Settlement Agreement in Texas? Divorce Houston: Family courts in Texas are overburdened with cases. I’m not telling you this to push you towards feeling bad for court staff or judges, necessarily. My intention in sharing this information with you is to provide some context for telling you that courts across our state have become huge proponents of mediation. If you’ve never heard of mediation or don’t know much about it this blog post is for you. Mediation is a process whereby you and your attorney, your opposing party and their lawyer, and a third party mediator agree up on a date and time to “mediate” and attempt to resolve any outstanding issue in your family law case. Mediation is utilized in both child custody and divorcecases. In a perfect world, you and the opposing party will settle your case in mediation and therefore would be abl...

Spousal Maintenance in Texas

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Spousal Maintenance in Texas Divorce Attorney in Houston : Unless children are involved in a divorce, the number one concern of parties is typically money. Who’s getting more of it and what can be done to limit their spouse from getting any more than they absolutely have to. There are some spouses who are a little more rational and even-handed in terms of their willingness to just split the pie in two and walk away, but from my experience those situations are few and far between. Divorce is not a time for people to be rational thinkers, unfortunately. Thus, having an experienced family law attorney on your side to help you walk through the difficult days of your divorce can be exceedingly important. Your attorney shouldn’t just be an expert on family law in Texas- he or she should be able to offer you candid, reason based advice during a time where your emotions and yo...

The effect of home schooling in child custody cases in Texas

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in The effect of home schooling in child custody cases in Texas Divorce Attorneys in Houston : As we begin to enter the last stretch of the school year prior to summer vacation, you may have run into some issue in your child’s school-life that has caused you to reflect upon whether or not it would be a good idea to have him or her homeschooled rather than attend the public or private school that he or she is currently enrolled in. However, your perceptions and opinions on this subject may be the polar opposite of those of your ex-spouse. Coming together and working out a solution given differing opinions can be hard enough for married people but is even more daunting for divorced parents. The Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC has seen parents that are divorced disagree sharply on whether or not their child should be homeschooled. The question goes beyond whether or not the ...

The potential impact of social media on your Texas divorce or child custody case

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in The potential impact of social media on your Texas divorce or child custody case Family Lawyer Houston : It used to be that the first thing a person would do to find out what’s going on in the world was to pick up the newspaper from their town and get to reading. All of the previous day’s events were contained in print and left on your doorstep or at the newsstand. I can remember reading through the sports section of the Houston Chronicle every morning at the breakfast table to get all the news that I thought I could ever want. Times have changed even in the past decade with the widespread use of social media. People are always going to want to learn more and have access to more information and social media taps into that desire. Instead of having to wait hours to get an update on a news event or whatever piques your interest, social media allows for almost instantaneo...

Divorce advice based on the best interest of your children

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Divorce advice based on the best interest of your children Houston Family Lawyers : The attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC have previously written in our blogs that your children are going to be impacted more heavily by your divorce than anyone else- including you and your spouse. This is unfortunate because at least on some level you and your spouse have contrdiol over the circumstances in relation to this divorce. Your children, while far from the cause of your divorce, are going to feel its affects on a profound level. You may have told yourself that you were filing for divorce in the first place in order to protect your children or to ensure that their lives are the best that they can be. Maybe removing your spouse from your life will allow you to be a better parent. It could be that the toxicity of your martial relationship has spilled over and i...

What happens when you are served with Divorce papers in Texas?

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in What happens when you are served with Divorce papers in Texas? Houston Family Lawyer : Whether it comes as a surprise to you or not, receiving divorce papers from a process server or law enforcement officer can be one of the more unnerving experiences of your life. The process begins with being notified that a lawsuit has been filed against you in a court and a judge is telling you that you need to respond within a certain amount of time. You probably would feel like you haven’t done anything wrong which adds to your level of unease and apprehension. The paperwork uses language that appears to be English but is not readable like a newspaper or magazine, either. The instructions that you are provided with aren’t straightforward and easy to understand. If you find yourself in this sort of situation what should you do? The Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC would like to p...

Texas Child Support: A word (or two) on Net Resources

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Texas Child Support: A word (or two) on Net Resources Houston Divorce Lawyers : With great regularity, people walk into the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC to speak to one of our attorneys about the subject of child support. This is a subject that is almost always an issue that is debated during divorce and child custody cases for a number of reasons. For one, both parents want what is best for their child. This is no matter if you are the parent who is set to receive child support or you are the parent who will be on the hook to pay child support. Everyone wants what is best for your child. However, different parents have different beliefs about how to best care for their children. This is especially true when it comes to the mandatory payment of money directly from one’s paycheck. That creates a whole new level of intimacy that this process connects to. Seeing as h...