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Showing posts from September, 2019

How can a step parent adopt their step child in Texas?

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in How can a step parent adopt their step child in Texas? Divorce Lawyers in Houston : A few weeks ago I was doing consultations with prospective clients of the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC on a Saturday morning when a husband and wife walked in to speak with us. I came to find out that the wife had two children from her prior marriage and her current husband was interested in formally adopting his step children. For all the children out there who don’t have any parents who take a strong interest in them, I was happy to see that there were two kids out there that probably have gone through some stressful times that have two loving parents in their lives. Make no mistake that this is not a consultation that the attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC take on a regular basis. Step parents who want to and are in a position to adopt their step children don’t com...

Co-parenting: Assisting your child in their post-divorce life

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Co-parenting: Assisting your child in their post-divorce life Houston Divorce : No person is impacted more by your and your spouse’s decision to get a divorce than your son or daughter. We may get so wrapped up in what a divorce means for us as adults that it is easy to lose sight of just how much a divorce will change the way that your child views their world and interacts both with you and your spouse. This can occur even in the middle of a divorce where your children are the main issue being debated back and forth. While you may be most concerned with how frequently you will be able to see him or her after the divorce, what should also be considered is the psyche of your child and their ability to rebuild trust in others and confidence in themselves after your divorce is finalized. I don’t mean to be melodramatic with that introductory paragraph. It may be that your...

Is it time for you to contact a family law attorney?

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Is it time for you to contact a family law attorney? Houston Divorce Attorney : The title to this blog post is probably a dead giveaway that not only is it time for you to look into contacting a family law attorney. I can say that with confidence because the time is right for you to do so when the thought has crossed your mind and you’re done with just going through the motions of your day to day life. Despite what some people believe, I have encountered very few people that have come in to the Law Office of Bryan Fagan for a divorce consultation that have not considered the far reaching implications of what it is they are inquiring about. Divorce is without a doubt the most stressful, taxing and emotional time period of most any adult person’s life. Notwithstanding the death of a spouse or something along those lines, what you put yourself and your family through in a d...

DNA Testing and its Impact on Paternity Determinations in Texas

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in DNA Testing and its Impact on Paternity Determinations in Texas Divorce Attorney Houston : A former client of the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC had a pretty nasty situation fall upon him that required the help of a family law attorney. This gentleman was minding his own business one day when he received a letter from the Texas Attorney General’s Child Support Division. He opened up the letter and out came a notice that he was in arrears (i.e. – he was delinquent in paying) over $15,000 in child support. I imagine that you or I would have had the same reaction as this gentleman did- complete and utter shock. That complete and utter shock he experienced upon opening and reading the letter was justified because our former client did not have any children. This wasn’t a situation where he had a child out of wedlock years ago and was just not being made to “pay the piper”...

Are your marital arguments an indicator of a future divorce?

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Are your marital arguments an indicator of a future divorce? Spring Divorce Lawyer : If you are considering a divorce you most likely have a pretty unique set of reasons for wanting that divorce. Not that the reasons themselves are unique to you and your spouse, by any means. It’s likely, however, that the arguments, lack of trust, suspicions about infidelity and any issues regarding finances have some unique characteristics come from a place or set of circumstances that could not be replicated outside of your family home. That’s what makes it so difficult for you and your spouse to know if there is an opportunity to save the marriage or if the only option would be to file for divorce. As a family law attorney, I have seen people fight about all sorts of things. These fights have ranged from the serious- accusations about one spouse not being faithful to the other, to th...

How to help your children succeed in school after a divorce

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in How to help your children succeed in school after a divorce Spring Divorce Lawyers : Even the most resilient children will struggle to some extent when their parents divorce. The change in routine, the emotional void that is left when one parent is no longer physically there in the home and the possible feeling that their actions led to the divorce can wreak havoc on a child’s psyche. Some children are relatively disengaged from the divorce and seem to be ok, but from my experience it is these children that can be especially vulnerable to allowing a divorce to affect their life profoundly. One area that your children are especially susceptible to the stresses associated with divorce is in school. With so much of their academic performance tied to concentration and self confidence, it is no wonder that the feelings of loss that can come after a divorce impact their abilit...

Family Comes First: A Reminder for Divorced Parents in Texas

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Family Comes First: A Reminder for Divorced Parents in Texas Family Law Lawyer Houston : The Holiday Season is upon us. Purchasing gifts, figuring out plans with family and decorating the house are just a few of the many, many obligations that each of us will likely engage in during the next few weeks of the year. While this is a special and enjoyable time of the year, the obligations themselves can sometimes cloud our vision on what the most important part of the Season is and why we are doing these things in the first place. If you are the divorced parent of a children, then you know the stresses and challenges apparent in balancing your own holiday plans and expectations with those of your ex-spouse. Even if you get along well with your ex-spouse eleven months out of the year, December brings forth extra roadblocks to civil co-parenting. Those roadblocks can cause...

Christmas Visitation Essentials for Texas Parents

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Christmas Visitation Essentials for Texas Parents Family Lawyers in Houston : As we approach the Holiday Season, many of you reading this blog may be about to experience Christmas or other holiday after a divorce. Whereas before you were used to and were able to experience sharing memories together with your children throughout the holidays, your life now is going to be different in that regard. This does not mean that you or your children are never going to share memories around the Christmas tree or the dinner table again, however. It does mean that you need to be aware of the changes to both your life and your children’s. It also means being cognizant and respectful of the need for your ex spouse to be able to enjoy the holidays with your children as well. If your divorce decree was created by a Texas court then you know that either you or your ex spouse was named t...

The effect of divorce on children: Helping your family maintain stability

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in The effect of divorce on children: Helping your family maintain stability Family Lawyers Houston : If you are a parent who is going through a divorce then you will find that your case will be quite different from a divorce that does not feature two parents. Parents understand that their actions have a direct and often disproportionate effect on the lives and well being of their children. With this in mind, it’s possible that in the weeks and days leading up to your considering a divorce your biggest concern laid not with paying for an attorney or deciding what to do with the family home, but in breaking the news of the divorce to your children. Without belaboring the point too much, your children will certainly be affected by your divorce no matter how stressful or stress free the process actually is. If we take into consideration the fact that your child has probably ...