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Showing posts from July, 2019

What considerations to take when considering changing your child's school

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in What considerations to take when considering changing your child's school Family Law Lawyer Houston : If you have recently gone through a divorce then you are well aware that your life has seen changes. Some of these changes have been significant, such as moving residences or losing a person that used to reside with you. You may have had to change jobs in order to earn more income due to the loss of your spouse’s contributions to the family budget. The couch that you watch television on and even your automobile may no longer be with you after the divorce. What you should also be considering (if you haven’t already) is how the changes associated with your divorce are affecting your children. You may take solace and comfort in the fact that your children are involved in school and extracurricular activities with the hope that what you and your ex spouse have had to go ...

What is the procedure for an adult to change their name in Texas?

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in What is the procedure for an adult to change their name in Texas? Family Lawyers in Houston : Clients of the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC will often time request that their name be changed after a divorce has been finalized. If you are interested in learning more about divorce in Texas and would like to have your name changed as well, then this blog post is for you. The Texas Family Code allows a person to change their name after a divorce but only to a name that you have used previously. At the final hearing in your case known as a “prove up” you will be asked either by your attorney or by the judge whether or not the purpose of the name change request is to evade creditors or otherwise make yourself harder for someone to track down. As long as your motivation is not something illegal then you will most likely be granted the name change. I have heard some clients c...

What can be done if CPS has taken possession of your child in Texas?

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in What can be done if CPS has taken possession of your child in Texas? Family Lawyers Houston : Under the Texas Family Code, Child Protective Services (CPS) is provided a great deal of authority to investigate allegations of abuse or neglect against your child and ultimately to remove him or her from your home if it is believed that such an action is warranted. CPS has set up hotlines that are monitored twenty four hours a day and seven days a week for people to report these allegations in a confidential manner. Certain people- doctors, lawyers, teachers and police officers among them- are obligated by law to report instances of abuse or neglect that are discovered. If a report involves your child then a CPS office in your area is contacted and an investigation will begin. Once the CPS investigation begins what is your role as a parent? As soon as aCPS case worker rece...

Examining the Rights and Duties of Texas Parents

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Examining the Rights and Duties of Texas Parents Houston Family Attorney : If you are getting a divorce and also have a child then contained within your Final Decree of Divorce will be parenting plan. This parenting plan discusses and will contain the road-map for parenting your child until he or she reaches 18 and/or graduates from high school. All of the important considerations to make in regard to the child’s life and your role in it are contained therein. What are those three important considerations that make up a parenting plan? When we discuss a parenting plan we are really talking about the following: > Conservatorship > Possession and Access > Child Support These three component pieces make up the entirety of your relationship with your child whether you are a divorced parent or not. Even parents who are not divorced still basically parent alon...

Getting divorced in Texas when you cannot locate your spouse

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Getting divorced in Texas when you cannot locate your spouse Houston Divorce Attorneys : In some marriages, the problem is that the husband and wife cannot get out of each other’s hair. In other marriages, the issue is the exact opposite- one spouse has left the marital home and cannot be located. It can be difficult to try and figure out what to do when you realize that a divorce is necessary for yourself and your family. If you find yourself in a situation like this, the attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC are here to help. Your spouse cannot be found-now what? An option to divorce your spouse who has gone missing can be achieved by serving him or her with notice by publication. By this I mean that rather than serving your spouse with notice personally using a process server or law enforcement officer, a less direct means will be utilized. A judge mu...

Where in the world did I file this case? Jurisdiction in Child Custody Cases

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Where in the world did I file this case? Jurisdiction in Child Custody Cases Divorce Lawyers Houston : The set of laws that sets the standard in the United States for determining what state has jurisdiction over a child custody matter is the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA). When a court has jurisdiction over a case that means that the court can then create or alter orders that affect a child. This set of laws was adopted by all fifty states except Massachusetts. In Texas, the UCCJEA has been made a part of the Texas Family Code and can be found in Chapter 152. The part of the UCCJEA that covers jurisdiction helps a court to determine whether or not they are able to make decisions in regard to initial custody disputes, modification of prior court orders as well as when a court may decline to exercise its jurisdiction over a situation. ...

The Importance of an Inventory and Appraisement in a Texas Divorce

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in The Importance of an Inventory and Appraisement in a Texas Divorce Houston Family Law Attorney : One of the ways that people can be divided up is based on whether or not they are “big picture” or “details” people. Big picture people tend to focus more heavily on the results of a situation rather than the means by which they achieve those results. Details people want to painstakingly review ever step in the process to make sure nothing goes missed or an item is overlooked. It would be nice to have some characteristics of both these types of people but for most of us this isn’t how we’re wired. In a divorce case, the details are extremely important. Your life is going to change because of divorce no matter how the change actually occurs and to what extent it does. It’s the “how” the change occurs that I would like to focus on in this blog post. Just about every person ...

What sets a Texas Family Law case apart from other civil cases?

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in What sets a Texas Family Law case apart from other civil cases? Divorce Lawyer Houston : For those of you who are not experienced with legal cases you may be wondering what sets family law cases apart from other areas of law. Having worked with clients across Southeast Texas in courts from Chambers County to Waller County and all points in between, the attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC would like to share their perspective on this question. One piece of advice I will always give to a potential client is that family law cases are not like contract disputes, or personal injury cases or bankruptcies. The fact that the subject matter is based on facts and events that you would ordinarily only share with your best friend or your pastor makes the family courts extremely unique. Let’s go over some hallmarks of family law cases and how they cause this area o...

Spying on your spouse - What to know in a Texas Divorce

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Spying on your spouse - What to know in a Texas Divorce Family Law Attorney Houston : We all live in an age where information is readily at each of our fingertips. A few keystrokes can lead to our discovering the names and birthdates of long lost relatives if we visit a genealogy website. If you walk into your backyard and see a strange looking snake you can take a photo, upload it to your computer and then research whether or not it was poisonous or not. Information is good and having the ability to access that information thank to technological innovation helps people young and old alike. It is my opinion that having ready access to this sort of information leads us as humans to wanting ready access to other sorts of information as well. I’d argue this is true even if there are road blocks to our obtaining it. This can be especially accurate in the context of a div...