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Showing posts from February, 2019

Know Your Finances, When Preparing for Your Texas Divorce

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Know Your Finances, When Preparing for Your Texas Divorce Houston Family Lawyer : We have observed that is common for there to be a division of labor in relationships in the Texas divorce cases we have handled. This means that there often a spouse in the marriage who has a more complete financial picture of the marriage than the other spouse. Unfortunately, this often means that only one spouse knows what all theassets anddebts of the marriage are. In this blog article, we will discuss how one of the most important steps you can take when preparing for a Texas divorce is start gathering financial information. What Financial Information Should You Obtain Prior to a Divorce? Divorce Lawyer Houston : It is not uncommon for me to be asked during a divorce consult what can be done to prepare for a divorce. I am also happy to explain things that can be done to prepare. One...

Be Careful or Computers and Social Media May Destroy Your Texas Divorce Case

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Be Careful or Computers and Social Media May Destroy Your Texas Divorce Case Divorce Lawyer in Houston : Social media, computers, and cell phones have become very prominent in Texas divorce cases. This is largely because they are a great source of evidence. It is not uncommon for potential divorce consult to show up with large stacks papers they have printed of conversations they have had with their spouse via: > Text messages or > Things posted on Facebook This might tempt you to delete, destroy, or edit some electronic conversations you have had. This would be a very bad idea and some cases may even be harmful. In today’s blog post we discuss somethings you should be aware of if you are contemplating a divorce or currently going through a divorce. Cell Phones Divorce Attorney Houston : Text messages are one of the most common forms of electronic evidence i...

Know How Property and Debts are Divided, When Preparing for Your Texas Divorce

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Know How Property and Debts are Divided, When Preparing for Your Texas Divorce Divorce Lawyer in Spring TX : Unless you and your spouse have resolved all issues in a divorce, your divorce will more than likely be considered “contested”. If your case is contested and goes to a court the Judge will make decisions regarding dividing the marital property and debts. The following information will help you determine what to expect when preparing your case for court. Community Property in Texas One of the first things I do in all my consults with potential clients is start educating what it means for Texas to be a community property state. On its most basic level the general rule regarding community property is that anything you have accumulated from the time you are married until the day you are divorce is part of the marital estate. An example, would be if you and your sp...

What are the Steps of a Contested Texas Divorce, and How can I Prepare for Them?

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in What are the Steps of a Contested Texas Divorce, and How can I Prepare for Them? Houston Family Law Lawyers : Unless you and your spouse have resolved all issues in a divorce, your divorce will more than likely be considered "contested". This doesn't mean that there is going to be a full-on assault to you, your sensibilities and your bank account, but that isn't necessarily ruled out either. The Houston divorce attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC represent people in all sorts of divorce cases in Texas, including contested divorces. What are the steps of a contested divorce, and how can I prepare for them? Read on to learn more about contested divorces in the State of Texas. Contested Divorce Steps Filing an Original Petition for Divorce and specifying your reasons for asking for a divorce, the relief you're requesting from the cou...

My Fiancé wants me to sign a Texas Prenup. What should I do?

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in My Fiancé wants me to sign a Texas Prenup. What should I do? Family Lawyers Houston : My office gets inquiries from people seeking a prenup or asking for our advice on signing one. Generally, people fall into two categories on the subject either they feel they are absolutely necessary or that they completely unromantic. You may have been making wedding plans and thought you were well on the way to happily ever after when your fiancé started talking to you about prenup, this may have felt like a bucket of ice water. Isn’t there a line in wedding ceremony where they talk about “joining of two together as Husband and Wife?” Whatever happened to “what’s mine is yours?” Something I have learned working as Texas divorce lawyer is that every relationship is different and marriage is about different things to different people. In some circles prenups are fairly standard and in...

Why do I have to follow the rules in My Texas Divorce?

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Why do I have to follow the rules in My Texas Divorce? Divorce Attorneys Houston : One of the things that troubles my clients the most while going through Texas divorce process is that they feel that they are following the rules while their ex is ignoring the rules and getting away with it. From my experience everyone is frustrated by this behavior: > You > The Texas Divorce attorneys at our office > The opposing counsel When this occurs in the cases we handle we will provide you with advice on what to do and what legal options are available. You may feel frustrated to see your spouse getting away with bad behavior. It may be even more frustrating if yours is like a lot of our cases in that this behavior is similar to what was going on in the marriage that led to the divorce. Your Spouse may be trying to Provoke You Divorce Attorney in Houston : This typ...

How Can a Family Law Consultation Help Me in Texas?

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in How Can a Family Law Consultation Help Me in Texas? Divorce Attorneys in Houston : In his best selling book, "How to Win Friends and Influence People", author Dale Carnegie notes that every person that he had come into contact with in his life had talents that outweigh his own in some regard. One of his quotes from that book which has been repeated many times is the following: "Every man I meet is my superior in some way. In that, I learn of him." No matter if you are prince or pauper, your experiences have allowed you to absorb lessons and knowledge that are unique to you and you alone. There is value in that knowledge and the people that you come into contact with can benefit from speaking with you if even for a short time. It is no wonder that a person who is interested in pursuing a family law case is best served by speaking to an attorney to le...

When Your Child's Extended Family Wants Visitation in Texas

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in When Your Child's Extended Family Wants Visitation in Texas Houston Family Law Attorney : Babies can be wonderful and often bring families closer together. Both my wife and I have family member that live close by. Having extend family can be wonderful they help provide a support system and sometimes free, quality, loving childcare. However, from some of the consults I have given I have learned that extended family are not always so wonderful. For some of the people have come to see me their experience has been just the opposite where certain family members are nagging, a nuisance, threatening, and sometimes a danger to their child. This may not have always been the case. In some situations, this was a result of a relationship break down. Mom and Dad decided not to stay together, and getting time with the baby became a tug o’ war for the extended family members. G...