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Showing posts from January, 2019

Grandparents' Rights in Texas

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Grandparents' Rights in Texas Divorce Lawyer Houston : Unfortunately, difficulties often arise when raising children. Whether the circumstances were avoidable or unforeseeable from the perspective of the parents, sometimes other family members feel the brunt of one or both parents’ issues with each other. One casualty of divorce is when a parent does not allow the child to see their grandparents as a result of discord at home. Grandparents have a special role in families, perhaps second only to that of the parent-child relationship. When divorce occurs parents can genuinely feel hurt to the point where they feel the need to protect themselves and their children. When I speak with a potential client of the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC and they have question about grandparents’ rights in Texas the conversation that we went into isn’t always an easy one to digest. ...

How Can I Get My Spouse to Pay My Attorney's Fees in a Texas Divorce?

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in How Can I Get My Spouse to Pay My Attorney's Fees in a Texas Divorce? Family Law Attorney Houston : A major concern for just about every potential party to a Texas divorce case is the cost of hiring a Texas divorce lawyer. Attorney's fees are a major cost to consider when contemplating a divorce, on top of the other stresses that accompany a life change of that magnitude. Parties to a divorce are willing to try creative ways to cut costs and limit their financial exposure. One question that potential and current clients of the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC will ask our office about the possibility of having their spouse pay their attorney's fees. Money Earned during a Marriage is Community Income For starters, Texas is a community property state where each spouses' income, retirement and bank accounts are presumed to be part of the joint estate of b...

Explaining the Contested Divorce Process in Texas

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Explaining the Contested Divorce Process in Texas No two divorces are exactly similar. In that way, they are like snowflakes. Unpleasant, frustrating and time consuming snowflakes. Make no mistake, divorces are difficult for both spouses and if there are children involved the process becomes even more difficult. While it is not guaranteed that a divorce will be a contentious ordeal it is possible. The attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan are equipped to handle a divorce case no matter the facts or circumstances. The First Mile Stone - Mediation Houston Divorce Lawyer : Often one of the most memorable milestones in a contested divorce case is mediation. Mediation is where both parties and their divorce attorneys visit with an independent attorney (someone who has no relation to either party) with the intent to negotiate and settle on temporary orders. Whethe...

Until Death Do Us Part and the Texas Divorce?

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Until Death Do Us Part and the Texas Divorce? Divorce Lawyer in Spring TX : We have written about in previous blogs about the importance of having an estate plan in place during a Texas Divorce should something happen to you while you are going through a divorce. I was recently reminded of how important this is when an attorney friend of mine had some questions regarding a unique situation in one of his cases. In the fact patter he gave me a husband and wife were going through a divorce and had settled the case in mediation. However, prior to proving up the divorce his client had died. His question was whether the mediated settlement agreement was still enforceable in court or did his clients spouse get everything? Death During a Texas Divorce Spring TX Divorce Lawyer : Having written about death during a Texas divorce no too long ago one of my first questions was “d...

The Simplified Process for an Uncontested Divorce in Texas

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in The Simplified Process for an Uncontested Divorce in Texas Family Law Lawyer Houston : Television and movies paint a picture of all divorces being full of acrimony and strife. Husbands and wives battle it out to determine who gets the kids, the house and the pride of knowing they got one final "win" over their soon to be ex-spouse. To be sure- the scenario just laid out is a costly one not only in terms of money but emotional output. The attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC see potential clients come in to meet with us to discuss a divorce and they will typically arrive with a sense of unease because they believe that divorcing their spouse is going to be as bad as our media would make it out to be. Your divorce can be Amicable Fortunately for many parties that are divorcing the fact is that divorce is not everything it's cracked up to be-...

Married but dating another person during a Texas Divorce?

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Married but dating another person during a Texas Divorce? Family Lawyers in Houston : You’ve moved out, gotten your own place, and you have started to think about moving on with your life. You have started to notice other people when you go out and think it would be nice to finally spend time with, someone who appreciates being with you. While dating may sound like a good idea to you, before you do there are some problems you should consider. While in general there is no law in Texas preventing a person from doing so, it is not a smart idea to date anyone while your divorce is pending before a court. While it may seem harmless, the effects can be long-lasting and extremely detrimental to your case. The best advice a Houston Divorce Lawyer can give you is do not do it. Your Uncontested Divorce becomes Contested For starters, if the other spouse finds out about the ext...

What can I do on my part to help my Texas divorce process go easier?

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in What can I do on my part to help my Texas divorce process go easier? Houston Family Law Attorneys : The customer is always right. We all grew up going to stores, restaurants and other businesses where above the door or by the cash register a sign hung that read that very saying. In a competitive marketplace, where the public's dollar is highly sought after, making an effort to let your customer or client know that they're number one is important. The Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC believes in the importance of providing great customer service. We place our client's interests before our own and strive to go above and beyond in the field of customer service. If you're reading through the blogs on the website for the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, it's safe to assume that at the very least you are considering beginning a family law case of your own or con...

My Spouse Has Accused Me of Adultery in my Texas Divorce and I Haven't

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in My Spouse Has Accused Me of Adultery in my Texas Divorce and I Haven't Houston Divorce Attorneys : Recently I had a consult with a man who had going through a divorce in which his wife has accused him of committing adultery. During the consult, he informed me that yes during the marriage he did have sex with some individuals other than his wife. However, he only participated in the swinger’s parties because it had been her idea. It is not uncommon during a relationship for spouses even when innocent to be accused of having an affair. Sometimes those accusations will land you in a Texas divorce lawyer’s office. You may find unfairness of the accusations and emotions you are experiencing tough to deal with. Sometimes the accusations are a result of: > Your spouse’s insecurities or > a diversion tactic by your spouse designed through you off guard of their ba...

6 things You Need to Know Before You File for Divorce in Texas

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in 6 things You Need to Know Before You File for Divorce in Texas Divorce Lawyers in Houston : There are the six things you must do before you act on any thoughts you have about divorce. These steps are specific to Texas divorce but can be applied to divorce in many states. It’s important to be certain you have done the things you need to feel good about your decision. Here are the top six things to do: STEP #1 - Make Sure Your Marriage Is Over In my blog article “49 Best Texas Divorce Advice Tips,” my first tip was, before you file for divorce, first make sure your marriage is over. You might want to consider seeking some divorce counseling even if you think there is no hope for the marriage. You do not have to wait for your spouse to participate before seeking help from a counselor. Your employer, church, friends, or this office can provide you with recommendations ...

How do I Fire My Texas Divorce Lawyer?

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in How do I Fire My Texas Divorce Lawyer? Divorce Lawyer Houston: Making a decision to fire your divorce attorney, for whatever reason, is one that must be done according to court approved methods and protocols. The State Bar of Texas allows clients to fire their attorney at will. This means a client has an right to be represented by the counsel of their choice and is not stuck with an attorney they have lost confidence in. However, it does not mean that the client will not owe their prior lawyer any money that the attorney has earned under the prior fee agreement. This blog post will detail the ins and outs of that process. Good reasons why you may want to change divorce lawyers Some good reasons why you may want to change lawyers include: > Your lawyer is not responding to your calls or emails. You are having a difficult time getting your questions answered by ...