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Adoption: Essential information for Texas families

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Adoption: Essential information for Texas families Houston Divorce: Although they come with less regularity than questions about child custody or divorcecases, people do come into the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC with questions about adoption and how our office may be able to assist them with a potential adoptioncase. Whereas many family lawcases present facts and circumstances that are not particularly “positive”, adoption cases can offer a glimpse into a situation where people come together and do what is in the best interests of a child. It’s likely that if you are reading this blog post that you may find yourself with your own questions about the adoption procedure in the State of Texas. I would like to walk you through some basic information about adoption so that you may understand the process a little bit better and be able to make educated decisions for your...
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Split Custody- Is it right for you and your family?

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Co-parenting tools, systems and helpful knowledge for post-divorce life

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Obtaining a divorce from a spouse in prison

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How to handle a cheating spouse in Texas

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Postnuptial agreements in Texas Family Law

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Postnuptial agreements in Texas Family Law Family Law Lawyer Houston : Earlier this week the attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC posted a blog that related to premarital agreements that covered what they were and how they can impact a marriage. Today we will shift gears to discuss postnuptial agreements, the lesser known cousin of a prenuptial agreement. As they pertain to the law contained in the Texas Family Code, postnuptial agreements must be drafted and agreed to while remaining in compliance with any and all applicable State laws on this subject. If you and your spouse come to an agreement on any matter that is outside of the law then you risk a judge declaring at least that section unenforceable and void. The terminology that is used coupled with the agreements that you and your spouse eventually agree to must be coherent and then must also comply...

Cohabitation Agreements in Texas Family Law

If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Cohabitation Agreements in Texas Family Law Family Lawyers in Houston : Despite their not being a part of the Texas Family Code, cohabitation agreements are contacted for in Texas and would most likely be honored by a family law court. In a contact, both you and the other party should outline what your rights are, what your duties are, and the specific circumstances in which those rights and duties are applicable. A cohabitation agreement often coincides with a common law marriage. A common law marriage does not involve a formal exchange of vows, but if you and another person agree to be married, live together as spouses and then hold yourselves out as being married to the public at large you are married for all intents and purposes. Misunderstandings are possible given how common law marriages work in Texas. Suppose, for example, that you and your partner live together ...